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Confronting an Alcoholic

Confronting a loved one who you suspect is an alcoholic is not easy. Learn how to stage an intervention in order to confront a loved one about their alcohol use.

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Confronting a Loved One About Alcohol Abuse

It can be difficult to know how to confront someone you love who is an alcoholic.

Although alcohol is the third-leading cause of death in America, alcohol consumption is so widely socially acceptable that most drinkers refuse to believe they have a problem.

Unlike drug addiction, there is not much of a stigma in drinking alcohol, so the lines can become blurred. 

However, it can be easy to tell when someone you love is a regular social drinker, as opposed to someone with a very real drinking problem. There are some clear signs of alcoholism, and in most cases, their loved ones will begin to notice.

The first step is to recognize the warning signs of alcohol abuse. Once you are sure, or even if you are simply concerned that someone you love is abusing alcohol, you will need a plan for how to confront them.

Staging an Intervention

The best way to confront someone about their alcohol abuse is to stage an intervention. An intervention is a type of supportive confrontation that serves to help people realize that they need help.

The primary goal of an intervention is to reassure the person that they are cared about, and that their loved ones have noticed that they have a problem. Thereafter, it is important that the person knows that help is available and that the people staging the intervention can help them get it.
Although it might be difficult, it is important that your loved one hears your concerns and knows that their behavior and drinking are not going unnoticed.
As with any addiction, the individual may be in denial. They may resist and may argue with you and the other people involved.

Types of Interventions

Alcoholism affects people from all walks of life. Because each person is different, the way they will respond to an intervention differs too.

Only you can know the best way to communicate your concerns to your loved one.
Learn more about the different types of interventions, so that you can choose the best method for confronting your loved one:

Friends and Family

This is the most common type of intervention. The people involved may include spouses, friends, children, friends, or anyone concerned about the person’s wellbeing.
Before staging the intervention, choose one person that will bring up the group’s concerns to the person being confronted. Plan who will speak and at what points. It can be confusing and overwhelming if everyone starts speaking at the same time.

As a group, share your concerns with the individual and explain why you believe they have a drinking problem. Let them know that you want them to get help and are willing to help them find a suitable rehab program.

Ensure that no one assigns blame to the person you are confronting and that no accusations are made or statements that will incite defensiveness or shame.
Despite your best intentions, the person struggling with alcohol abuse may not react well to the intervention. Try to take this in your stride, as they are likely in denial, and struggling with feelings of guilt, fear, and shame.

Professional Interventions for alcoholics

Due to the sensitive nature of interventions staged by family and friends, some people may opt for an intervention run by professionals.
Therapists, sometimes called interventionists, who specialize in staging interventions are available to assist.
These professionals help navigate the confrontation and will keep the conversation focused on the solution. When difficult emotions arise and touchy subjects are raised, the interventionists will allow each person to express themselves without things getting too heated.

In many cases, getting help from a professional interventionist or treatment provider is the best way to confront someone who is struggling with alcohol abuse

A neutral third party is often better received than if a person feels ganged up on by friends and family.
A neutral third party is often better received than if a person feels ganged up on by friends and family.

Get Help for Your Loved One

It is daunting to consider confronting a loved one about their drinking. However, it is better to overcome this fear and encourage them to get help than to watch them continue to ruin their life.
At Addiction Rehab Treatment, we understand how difficult it is to stage an intervention. We also know that it is important to have treatment options available to present to your loved one during the intervention.
We are here to help you. Get in touch with us today and let us guide you through the intervention process and help find the perfect alcohol rehab for your loved one.

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